Guide to Web Page Scraping with Load More and Scrolling

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Guide to Web Page Scraping with Load More and Scrolling

  • 09/09/2022

The web is a vast source of data that is readily available to us, making it possible for businesses to undertake any kind of research and obtain useful insights. Businesses looking for efficient and productive ways to gather web data can benefit from web scraping or data mining. The majority of the data analytics work may be sorted out by either developing your Python skills or seeking a web scraping business. You may learn about web scraping with Python and the tools needed to get the most out of the internet by reading this blog. Let’s start by comprehending how dynamic web pages behave.

Scraping dynamic websites

The Internet is expanding quickly, and contemporary websites make extensive use of new tools and algorithms to build dynamic, engaging websites that offer fantastic user experiences. On the other hand, because of all the pop elements and the use of javascript, scraping dynamic webpages is more difficult. Python script must be used and run in order to scrape the data.

The content of the pages on a dynamic website is updated whenever the scroll button or the load more option is used. Maintaining the same layout each time a new page is browsed helps to lighten the load on the website and makes it load faster. These websites immediately load the information using Ajax, and the text is wrapped in HTML.

Investigating the Next button selection

Making a loop that can automatically click on the next button or the next arrow button while remaining on the current page of the website is necessary for the method of scanning data for this specific instance. This approach is most frequently used to navigate between pages. Following a quick scan of the current page, determining the next page number can be done with the aid of an Xpath syntax that can help identify nodes and elements.

Reviewing the possibility of limitless scrolling

Website developers employ a technique called “endless scrolling” or “infinite scrolling” to make websites load more quickly. To give website visitors dynamic content and spare them from having to click numerous times, these choices were created utilizing javascript and library tools. Pages are automatically scanned by simply choosing a scroll time. Depending on how much information a firm needs, data scraping providers assist in simulating limitless scrolling behavior.

Investigating the “Load more” button

As you continue to scroll toward the bottom of the page, a special button that says “load more” appears, triggering and rendering the content. The creation of a pagination loop that repeatedly clicks on the same button is one method for scraping data from this area. The load-more option won’t stop appearing in this loop until it does. Python takes over to scrape the website as a single page after the Ajax setup is complete.


Python and Selenium are the ideal tools for scraping dynamic webpages on websites and in public domains. You will still need to instruct Selenium as to which things and components to interact with and for how long. To find a user element for extraction, the page elements are found using Xpath. The problems that dynamic websites cause can readily be fixed by configuring crawlers appropriately.

Frequently asked questions:

How do I scrape a page with load more?

You must manually click the “Load More” button on the website and select the option for “Loop to click single piece.” An appropriate AJAX timeout can be configured on your own. Run the workflow you just established once all data fields have been validated. Additionally, the Load More option will allow you to access the scraped data.

How do you scrape infinite-scrolling pages in Python?

To examine the website’s online traffic, we first visit Scraping Infinite Scrolling Pages Exercise and then launch the web development tools in our browser. If you’re unfamiliar with web development tools, simply right-click any page element and choose “Inspect Element.” As you can see, a panel appears so that you can examine the website.

How does selenium python scrape infinite-scrolling pages?

Although each HTML page is unique, the basic concept is the same: you must locate the last element that was loaded on the page, use selenium to scroll down to that element, and use time. Scroll back to the last loaded element after using the sleep() function to wait for the website to load more content until the page comes to an end.

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