Data Mining For Global Monitoring Company


Global Monitoring Company for Digital Media Based in Dubai


The client had the strict specification instruction regarding this project. They wanted our team to look through the links they provided and download the pictures. The main difficulty was that each image had distinct pixel quality, size, and structure. And every image needs to be converted by our team in the exact same size and quality. which is surely going to take a lot of time, effort, and patience.


Our experts decided to divide themselves into two groups one group will search the image from the URL and another group will work on the size and quality of the photos. Our expert carefully reviewed each process specification, finished the project on schedule, and upheld the same standard of excellence.


  • We experienced a 65% reduction in costs
  • The burdens of management were lightened up as much as was practicable
  • Since they met the deadline for delivering our project, we have sufficient time to carry out our project.


The client's main project takeaways were the zero-defect deliveries from Data Entry Outsources in accordance with specifications. The client also valued our proactive efforts during the communications phase to avoid missing even one delivery deadline. The client was really pleased with the effort and quality of work from our team. They praised the quality of our image data mining, the speed of our response, and our approach.

From The Client

"The analysis delivered helped us take tactical decisions that would be beneficial for our business. We look forward to a long-term relationship."

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